Business Karate induces humans and organiations to let go. New life structures can form and find their proper place in the world.

Business Karate Coaching unites several strands of spiritual though. It is based on the physical art of letting go that is at the root of the japanese martial art Karate-do.

The body is a powerful vector for emotional processes. Corporeal changes are felt immediately.  By their palpability they activiate deep lying areas of the brain. Many mental impediments and burdens have a complement in the body. By dissolving one, one also dissolves the other.  The basic approach of Karate-do is to make the body so soft, that it can't hold on anymore and lets go of the physical complements of mental strictures.

Karate lets the pracitioner widen the accessible internal space. In that space, life can take place.  That process is spontaneous and unpredictable. The pracitioner can put himself into a state that is favorable to spontaneously letting go. Once it occurs, he can humbly accept the physical and spiritual Opening and digest it.  

Spontaneous release can be made more likely by a favourable environment - for example through the presence of an interlocutor who pulls the system of the client into the right direction. We learn to view the world with magnamity and warmth.  After a while we acquire the courage to accept the pain of letting go as an inevitable but joyful part of our regeneration.  

Not only does our coaching dissolve old forms of our being, but it also helps shape new ones. Doing so it leads us to consciously accept our archaic instincts and sources of power. The more truthfully we deal with them, the less we become their slaves and the bettr we can utilize them. We recognise instincts for survival, reproduction and aggression as part of our nature. We accept power as part of our condition of existence rather than suppress it.  Once we have a good relationship with the, we can put them to use in the cause of good.

The Art of Letting go

New Forms of Old Instincts

The Path to Release

Spontaneous Impredictability


und Methode

The Unconscious, Hypnotic and Meditative

Business Karate Coaching is related to therapeutical Hypnosis and Meditation. It follows its own path, though. Coaching is intimate,still we treat the client with utmost respect and preseve his own space. The coach keeps his distance from the client, while at the same time protecting him. The client can reveal himself in his own space. Coaching does not manipulate and preserves the client's sphere.

Business Karate embraces two worlds with distinct accents and languages - the hard incentives of explicit hierarchy and market based remuneration and the quiet sense of mission that derives its motivation from the essence of our action rather than external incentives. Dealing with the incentive based worls without losing your intrinsic sense of meaning is a great challenge that we approach via a combination of precise economic analysis and deep mental relase.  

In both we use dedicated specialists where appropriate.

Hard and soft Thinking